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Search Criteria: Manufacturer: Boeing, Model: WB-47, Variation: E Stratojet, C/N: 450609
Total photos: 1
51-7066, Boeing WB-47E Stratojet, United States Air Force
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Airline: United States Air Force
Aircraft: Boeing WB-47E Stratojet
RegNo: 51-7066
Location: USA, Seattle
Boeing Fld Int'l (BFI)
Date: 18/5/2011
Photographer: Ilias Diakoumakos
Remarks: The size of this WB-47E can be easily seen as two visitors of the "Museum of Flight" walk by the big plane and thus providing a scale for comparison.
Photo ID:23521  |  Date added:3/11/2011  |  Views:606
Total photos: 1